
15mm Scenery- Shanty

Page history last edited by Agent Brown 14 years, 9 months ago

A shanty town I knocked up using foamcore, balsa wood, matchsticks, kitchen roll (for the tarps and tents), various odds and sods from my bits box and a bit of corrugated plastic. There's also a Plasticville 0 Scale water tower, but it looks good for 15mm.

I used match boxes and piles of thick card to get the basic shape for the shanties and then glued matchsticks/corrugated plastic/balsa wood etc to it. It really was easy. I did six bases, all 12 inches by 4 inches, in two nights. Then I added detail like a wrecked car, piles of rubbish bags (balls of blue tack painted black) or a toxic pool. I also made one substantial (but wrecked) building out of foamcore but the basic shape was 4 matchboxes with the foamcore glued to the outside.

The tarps and tents are easier to make. Just cut the paper towel to size (a little bigger than needed) and cover with watered down PVA. It dries hard (leave for at least 24 hours). Then paint and drybrush. It really is very easy. It's a shanty town so be as messy as you want, it'll look fine.

The important thing is the core of the building. My first attempts consisted of trying to glue balsa wood or matchsticks together to make the walls. Very fiddly and messy, took ages and they kept falling apart. Once I hit upon the idea of making a solid core of boxes/card etc and just gluing the texture to the outside, everything else was plain sailing.











If anyone is interested, here's a painting guide as well.

After construction, the whole thing was just sprayed brown and the shanties drybrushed various colours (bright as you like- corrugated iron and tarpaulins come in all colours). The whole thing was given a thin wash of brown paint to dirty it all up and patches of orange were drybrushed liberally over any metal areas (corrugated iron/car/scrap scaffolding etc).

Sand was then glues to the base and then, once everything was dry, the whole thing was drybrushed with a light sand colour. A bit of static grass was added here and there et voila!, a shanty fit for any SF peasants you care to mention. By the way, I finished this more than a year ago, before I'd heard of District 9. But GZGs Crusties are on my shopping list.

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