

Page history last edited by Agent Brown 14 years, 9 months ago


Various useful links. Figure manufacturers etc.


15mm Science Fiction links


Ambush Alley Two great rule sets at the minute, Ambush Alley (regulars vs insurgents) and Ambush Z (regulars/survivors vs zombies). Simple rules that allow you to concentrate on the tactics. Easy to adapt to near future/SF games (basically, I add+1 FP or defence die die to represent higher tech weapons or armour). Force on Force due soon (March 09) for regular vs regular games with up to a company a side. Can't wait. 


Old Crow Excellent resin vehicles and accessories.


GZG Large range of SF vehicles and infantry. Great stuff. Superb spaceships as well (next project?)


Brigade Models-  Haven't tried these yet but they look good.


QRF I've got some of their modern vehicles and they're very good. I'd assume their SF range is the same.


Peter Pig Check out Range 9 (SF) and Range 17 (Modern Africa/Middle East). Both very useful.


15mm.co.uk I've only tried the old TTG Laserburn figures (which have aged surpringly well, in my opinion) but the HOF SF range looks good, especially the civilians and Levy. The zombies come from the fantasy section.


Two Hour Wargames Home of All Things Zombie and 5150, two pretty good sets of rules. 


Rebel Minis 15mm zombies (both their own and Two Hour Wargames range) as well as 15mm security forces. Another US company that I had no problems ordering from. Zombies have more selection than THWs (above) but I have no preference and have equal numbers of each.


Pendraken 10mm SF range. The Aliens are bang on for 15mm. Medium creatures SF12, 18, 19 and 23 are what you want. SF5 (egg cluster) also looks fine for 15mm. The Queen is very small compared to the movie version but still OK. They also do Large Jawed Attack Bugs (SF 30), a homage to Starship Troopers. They look fine next to 15mm troops but only slightly resemble the film version.


EM4 28mm figures but also some scaleless mechs (scroll down, second from bottom). Would also work with 6mm SF. Very cheap but very nice.


Worldworks Games: Mayhem Downtown Building exteriors in 28mm. Print as A6 and they're perfect as 15mm buildings. I don't bother following the instructions for folding etc. Just print onto card and stick onto cardboard boxes (washing machine tablet boxes are perfect, nice and sturdy). Dirt cheap and high quality, what more could you want?


Combat Wombat Superb range of wheeled, grav and tracked vehicles. Good prices and excellent customer service from the US to the UK.


Irishserb Irishserb's great liitle range includes HMMVs and VABs. The HMMV turrets are marvellous and worth the price of the vehicle.

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