
28mm SF and Horror

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 3 months ago

 28mm SF and Horror


Some Zombie pics to start off with. Mainly Zombiesmith with some Copplestone and GW thrown in.

Survivors are all I-Kore/Urban Mammoth militia. Scenery from Plasticville. Vehicles Old Crow.

Last Night on Earth (Flying Frog) plastic zombie and survivor alongside I-Kore/Urban Mammoth militia and Zombiesmith zombie. Slimmer but look OK.

As above but with a GW zombie/Cadian conversion. You can really see the difference here. Doesn't bother me but not everyone is so forgiving.

Mega Miniatures zombies. Not the 20 pack but a new line sold in eights. Not the greatest sculpts but OK for bulking out your horde (hence the multi basing). Cheap and low p&p to the UK.


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