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28mm SF and Horror

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years ago

 28mm SF and Horror


Some Zombie pics to start off with. Mainly Zombiesmith with some Copplestone and GW thrown in.

Survivors are all I-Kore/Urban Mammoth militia. Scenery from Plasticville. Vehicles Old Crow.

Last Night on Earth (Flying Frog) plastic zombie and survivor alongside I-Kore/Urban Mammoth militia and Zombiesmith zombie. Slimmer but look OK.

As above but with a GW zombie/Cadian conversion. You can really see the difference here. Doesn't bother me but not everyone is so forgiving.

Mega Miniatures zombies. Not the 20 pack but a new line sold in eights. Not the greatest sculpts but OK for bulking out your horde (hence the multi basing). Cheap and low p&p to the UK.


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